Quality and environmental certification
Our quality system has been certified according to ISO-9001 and UNE-EN-9100 since 2011 for the design and manufacture of aeronautical components.
The quality manuals and procedures are the basis on which we work and govern all our staff.
Being aware of the continuous evolution of the needs and expectations of the market, and with the conviction that only through an organisation that allows us to permanently satisfy these requirements, we can maintain and even increase our presence in this market, exposing and instilling in all our staff the bases of the necessary Integrated Quality and Environmental Management Model.
In view of the high level of global competition and the ever-increasing awareness of society with regard to the environment, Utingal has defined systems for the collection of Environmental Risks and Opportunities and Life Cycle Analysis, as well as Ecodesign measures applicable in each specific case.
All manufacturing processes are carried out in accordance with the internationally recognised ISO 140001:2015 environmental management standard.
Our policy of continuous improvement is reflected in the recent adaptation of our facilities to current and foreseen needs: expansion of spaces, physical unification of design, manufacture and assembly of machines, possibility of making operations profitable, transports, as well as conditioning and transfer of the facilities to new spaces with infinite possibilities.
The 2015 project included a strong commitment to the machining of carbon fibre and composites for the aeronautical sector with the support and commitment of our customers.
Business ethics
As a result of our continuous effort to be a socially responsible company and in favour of sustainable growth, we consider it necessary and important to express our work philosophy and values in a formal and concrete way.
By putting our stakeholders – employees, customers, suppliers and society at large – as well as the environment at the forefront of our day-to-day business, we ensure that what is really important is protected; ensuring that the way we work is ethical and responsible towards our environment.
This Code of Conduct was adopted on 22 May 2019 and is binding on all our employees and, insofar as it applies to them, anyone who has a contractual relationship with Utingal.
If you wish to consult the full document, click on the following link:
Innovative SME
Utingal has been awarded the Innovative SME seal, certifying its innovative character: