These are the R&D projects and Public Funds in which UTINGAL participates or has participated:
The company UTINGAL S.L. participates in the development of the OPTIMUS project whose objective is to promote the mission “Driving Spanish industry in the industrial revolution of the 21st century”, pursuing the development of disruptive technologies for industry aimed at its transformation and digitisation that generate greater competitiveness, greater resource efficiency and are supported by digital transformation and connectivity. OPTIMUS addresses the development of automated flexible manufacturing processes (multi-operational), for processing multi-material/multifunctional parts and with embedded sensorisation; hybridisation between the physical and digital environments; collaborative environments between human-robot, robot-robot, human-machine/production systems, with modelling, simulation and advanced programming of collaborative scenarios; and technologies for eco-design and sustainable, safe and efficient industrial production in all links of the chain.
This project has been subsidised by the CDTI with file number MIG-20211010 through the call for 2021 of the procedure for granting aid for Science and Innovation Missions, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (financed by Next Generation EU funds, including the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism) and the State Programme to Catalyse Innovation and Business Leadership of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research 2021-2023.
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the Operational Programme ERDF GALICIA 2014-2024 in accordance with the regulatory bases established by resolution of 25 January 2021 (DOG No. 30 OF 15 FEBRUARY 2021).
This aid granted in line 1 under the file number IN852B/30 of the call for aid for collaborative programs in the strategic areas of DIGITAL INNOVATION HUBS to advance their specialization and consolidation within the framework RIS3 GALICIA (CONNECT HUBS PROGRAMME).
Conecta Hubs Programme
Recycling of polyamides for additive manufacturing REPLAY
Promoting technological development, innovation and quality research.
Operation co-financed by the European Union, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Project FUSELAGE – IDI-20170990 (Automated manufacturing technologies and high integration of advanced aeronautical airframe structures)
The ultimate objective of the FUSELAGE – IDI-20170990 project (Automated manufacturing technologies and high integration of advanced aeronautical airframe structures) is the research of new design principles for disruptive architectures, development of materials and innovative technologies for production processes in a connected industry environment. By controlling and monitoring the process at all times, it will make it possible to manufacture large composite structures for the belly fairing and rear fuselage sections of the new generation of commercial aircraft, aimed at a more eco-efficient, competitive, reliable and resistant aircraft with a target rate of 100 aircraft/month.
This project is developed in consortium between AIRBUS OPERATIONS SL (project leader), UTINGAL SL, MB SISTEMAS S COOP, DANOBAT S COOP and LGAI TECHNOLOGICAL CENTER SA (APPLUS GROUP), with the support of several research organisations and technology centres. The project has a duration of 3.5 years, to be executed between 2017 and 2020.
This project has the financial support of the CDTI through its Programme for strategic research projects in CIEN consortium and was awarded in November 2017.
Macizado – automated tool for the solidification of aeronautical parts with high added value
The general objective/em> of the MACIZADO project is to generate a specific tool for the solidification process of high added value parts for the aeronautical industry.
This project is subsidised by the Axencia Galega de Innovación, has been supported by the Consellería de Economía, Emprego e Industria and has ERDF co-financing, OT1 “Promoting technological development, innovation and quality research”, P.O. FEDER Galicia 2014-2020./em>
The main objective of the project is the development of an automated system for the grooving of NOMEX and similar honeycomb composite parts in different geometries and sizes.
The main challenge is to position UTINGAL as a company with high added value and high production and process capabilities before the large aeronautical corporations, differentiating itself from them by the possibility of integrating the maximum number of operations.
Utingal has carried out the project alone and has been funded by the CDTI under the “Proyectos de Investigación y Desarrollo PID” programme.
Utingal participates in the TACTIL project. R&D project financed by the CDTI in which Utingal, Integasa, Insega, Talleres Campiños and Aimen and the University of Coruña also participate.
The main objective of TACTIL is to develop new concepts of tubular heat exchangers, in which the current smooth/alloyed tubes are replaced by tubes microtexturised on their outer surface using laser technology, with the aim of improving the heat transmission coefficient through the functionalised surfaces, and therefore increasing the energy efficiency of this equipment.
For the development of the TACTIL project, the CDTI has awarded Utingal a grant under the FEDER INNTERCONECTA programme in the 2016 call within the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2013-2016.
Support system for the management of the maintenance of large structures based on autonomous vehicles.
Utingal is carrying out the VIXÍA project “Support system for the management of the maintenance of large structures based on autonomous vehicles” with file number IN852A 2014/58, co-financed by the Galician Innovation Agency and FEDER. Aid approved for the project: 80,348.03€.
Development of an integrated industrial platform for the design, calculation and serial production of aeronautical components.
Utingal is carrying out the AEROGAL project “Development of an integrated industrial platform for the design, calculation and serial production of aeronautical components”, with file number IN852A 2013/51-0, co-financed by the Galician Innovation Agency and FEDER. Aid approved for the project: 191,311.87€.
Directorate-General for Regional Policy | Directorate-General for Community Funds
Development and manufacture of a new positioner for high surface quality machining, using vacuum, of parts for the aeronautical sector: POSVACUUM.
Utingal has developed the project called “Development and manufacturing of a new positioner for high surface quality machining, using vacuum, of parts for the aeronautical sector: POSVACUUM” between May 2012 and May 2014, co-financed by the Galician Innovation Agency and the European Regional Development Fund”.
Development of high-performance technologies for the manufacture of multi-material components.
UTINGAL has implemented the UNE 166001 standard on R&D&I Project Certification with its project “Development of high-performance technologies for the manufacture of multi-material components”.
Aid for the promotion of competitiveness in strategic industrial sectors (Automotive sector).
UTINGAL S.L. has carried out the competitiveness plan called “Aids for the promotion of the competitiveness of strategic industrial sectors (Automotive sector)” annuality 2012, financed by the MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY, ENERGY AND TOURISM.
This company participates in the Galicia Exports Companies Programme 2016. Operation co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. Galicia ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020. Galicia Exports Companies Programme 2016. To support the internationalisation process, Utingal, S.L. has been granted aid by IGAPE to participate in the Galicia Exports Companies Programme 2016, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the ERDF Operational Programme of Galicia 2014-2020. OT3. “Achieve a more competitive business fabric”. Código do proxecto: IG230.2016.1.237
European Regional Development Fund, a way of making Europe
The main objective of the Galicia Exports Companies Programme 2016 is to encourage and stimulate Galician foreign trade and the internationalisation of Galician companies. The intended result is to increase the number of exporting companies and consolidate the presence of Galician companies in international markets.
Call for applications 2016 for aid for factory 4.0 pilot projects (factory 4.0 pilot), co-financed by the european regional development fund under the feder galicia 2014-2020 operational programme.
File: IG223.2016.1.2.6
Utingal installs a pellet boiler for heating the industrial building. The use of biomass favours sustainability on all fronts.
Operation co-financed by the European Union – Galicia ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020.
»Achieve a cleaner and more sustainable economy. A way to make Europe»
Utingal, beneficiary company of the Igape Galicia Exporta Empresas Programme.
Operation co-financed by the European Union – Galicia ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020.
“Achieving a more competitive business fabric. A way to make Europe”.
FILE: IG230.2018.1.226