Macizado – automated tool for the solidification of high added value aeronautical parts.


The general objective of the MACIZADO project is to generate a specific tool for the solidification process of high added value parts for the aeronautical industry.

The MACIZADO consortium is formed by 3 Galician companies, where UTINGAL SL is the leader of the project and its main challenge is the design, development and application of technical tools and tooling for the improvement of all the technical processes linked to the solidification, COMPONENTES AERONAUTICOS COASA, whose main challenge is to characterise the solidification problem at industrial level and to be an active participant in the design and development of the solution, BASE 2 INGENIERIA Y DESARROLLOS, whose main objective is to develop the automation and robotisation of the processes in coordination with the other two companies in the group, especially in the inspection of the resulting parts and in the automation of the tools generated by Utingal. They have the support of the AIMEN Technology Centre and the Multisectoral Research Technology Centre (CETIM), with extensive experience in R&D at national and international level.

The MACIZADO project aims to achieve the following results:

  • Development and optimisation of pocket machining processes: design tools and development of machining elements, study and development of suction systems, vacuum supply system, validation and inspection of the developed system.
  • Development and optimisation of automatic filling processes: design and development tools for automatic filling systems, including studies, requirements, designs and developments, optimisation of resin parameters in automatic filling processes and related developments, validation and inspection of the developed system according to the different parameters.
  • Development and optimisation of vacuum independent filling processes: vacuum filling system design and development tools, including studies, requirements and developments, optimisation of resin parameters in vacuum independent filling processes and related developments, validation and inspection of the developed system according to the different parameters.
  • Development and optimisation of automatic surface grinding processes: design and development tools for vacuum filling system, including studies, requirements, designs and developments, optimisation of resin parameters in independent vacuum filling processes and related developments, validation and inspection of the developed system.
  • Pre-curing system defined with all its requirements, curing chamber with temperature and humidity studied, defined and controlled, tooling for the positioning of parts during pre-curing, optimised study of pre-curing times.

This project is subsidised by the Axencia Galega de Innovación, has been supported by the Consellería de Economía, Emprego e Industria and has ERDF co-financing, OT1 “Promoting technological development, innovation and quality research”, P.O. FEDER Galicia 2014-2020.
